Friday, May 4, 2007

All kids are on the Ground

We are done. #7 gave in and had her one on Thursday May 3. Go figure, she was as big as a house and has one small baby.

All are doing well. Total count from our herd is 14 kids, 9 does and 5 bucks. They all look good, are healthy and happy. Last night I went out to check on them about 11 and the moon was out full and I sat on the picnic table with kids crawling all over me and different goats coming up to have their ears scratched. What a blessed evening.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Two New Kids

Well, I was proven wrong (again). Number 30 had two little girls on May 1. One is solid milk chocolate and the other has traditional Boer coloring. Both are doing well. Number 7 who we have been believing was going to kid every day for the last two weeks is still fat and grumpy. She is normally over friendly but butted me this morning while I was feeding her. Pics to follow in a day or two.

If you are interested in a male that is show quality, I have a couple for sale and need to know requirements soon - debudding, whether, breeding stock, etc.